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Imagele 31st July 2009 09:49 AM

According to a report on Sport 927 radio this morning, an announcement is imminent from both racing codes concerning the detection of the use of E.P.O. from frozen samples sent around the world for testing. Stand by.

Imagele 1st August 2009 09:36 AM

Originally Posted by Imagele
According to a report on Sport 927 radio this morning, an announcement is imminent from both racing codes concerning the detection of the use of E.P.O. from frozen samples sent around the world for testing. Stand by.
Interesting that no-one has seen fit to pass a comment on this development and is an indication of how blaise and accepting punters have become in regards to the deceptive behaviours occurring within the industry. That's racing you say. It seems that my initial comment concerning detection from frozen samples sent overseas for testing was not quite right but rather that stored samples have been sent overseas for testing after initial detections occurring here. I am wondering when the time will come that criminal charges will be laid against anyone found guilty of administering an illegal substance to an animal which affects it's performance resulting in the deaaaaaing of the punting public. The way it is at the moment is a bit like assault on the football field. Do it there and get away with it. Do it on the street and go to jail.

topsy99 2nd August 2009 07:05 PM

stored samples
it would be interesting if a melbourne cup or other major winner turned up a few years later with a significant sample. i guess it wouldnt be make public even though some one should do time over it. somethings are best not found.

Reckless 4th August 2009 08:46 AM

I did hear in one of the media channels that the EPO was not detected as a part of pre- or post- race testing. Rather it was detected during samples taken from spot testing during a stable visit.

Since identities and the horses involved have not been revealed - it will be interesting to see the outcome. What happens - for example - if the horses involved were unraced or spelling ?.

Imagele 4th August 2009 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by Reckless
I did hear in one of the media channels that the EPO was not detected as a part of pre- or post- race testing. Rather it was detected during samples taken from spot testing during a stable visit.

Since identities and the horses involved have not been revealed - it will be interesting to see the outcome. What happens - for example - if the horses involved were unraced or spelling ?.

The trainer's name has been revealed in some media. Interesting to note that the chief steward Terry Bailey has said that the secret to the success of the new testing kit was in the timing. I take that to mean that it is no good waiting until the horses are presented at the races. I understand that many more horses have been tested at other training establishments. Follow story here.


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