OZmium Sports Betting and Horse Racing Forums

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darkydog2002 26th October 2010 03:58 PM

The Shorties.
Ok.We,ve done a nonsense Longshot method so to compensate we,ll do a nonsense short priced one.

Unitab Fixed Price.

Horse must be fixed price between $3.50 - $5.50

This is also based on the world famous Secret form Factor "PL".


Mr. Logic 26th October 2010 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by darkydog2002
Ok.We,ve done a nonsense Longshot method so to compensate we,ll do a nonsense short priced one.

Unitab Fixed Price.

Horse must be fixed price between $3.50 - $5.50

Haven't posted for a while.

I honestly don't know why you posted this Darky. No elimination rules. Just simply back every horse from $3.50 to $5.50.

I'll use a bit of Logic. We know racing is a negative sums game. It follows that no matter what the price is, if your system is simply to back a horse at those particular odds then it is GUARANTEED 100% TO LOSE long term.

lighthuman2010 26th October 2010 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by darkydog2002
Ok.We,ve done a nonsense Longshot method so to compensate we,ll do a nonsense short priced one.

Unitab Fixed Price.

Horse must be fixed price between $3.50 - $5.50

This is also based on the world famous Secret form Factor "PL".


So Darky runs away from a serious conversation on another thread, where he may have actually learnt something about it being possible to win long term, to start a new nonsense thread.

I'm suprised people around here actually put up with him.

He offers nothing except ridiculous methods as a joke, because as he says, he can't win on the punt.

Why does he hang around? It really is a strange situation, and strange why he is allowed to post here.

darkydog2002 26th October 2010 08:08 PM

Post deleted.

If you feel another user is an idiot, that's your business. Don't post about it in the forums. Add them to your ignore list if you feel strongly about it. Click User CP link at top left then scroll down to Buddy/Ignore Lists link. If you feel the user has violated the Terms of Use, report it via the TOU red triangle violation function.


lighthuman2010 26th October 2010 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by darkydog2002
That bit of nonsense was actually sold at one time for $95.

I totally agree that punting is a negative sum game and I eagerly await the next super dooper racing system that going to make us all a fortune starting from a lowly $10,000 Bank.



You seem to talk a lot about system sellers. May i suggest this could be another one of your downfalls?

You are not going to find any long-term winning methods through these system sellers you keep talking about.

It's actually hard work creating an edge on the horses, whether it be your own data base or your own workings on some sound ratings. But they are out there.

They are the places you should start looking at.

And yes, a $10,000 bank is too small to work with for serious turnover, but it is a start and you can certainly build that up after a few years.

Moderator 3 26th October 2010 08:29 PM

This thread is now being locked as there is nothing to be gained by further discussion of the system that started this thread.

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