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raldridge 20th February 2011 01:48 PM

GHB Lite Betting Bot
Any users of the GHB Lite betting bot, could you tell me if the silver option for the Australian version of GHB Lite can be also used on markets in all other parts of the world as well as Australia?.

I would have thought that all world markets on Betfair would be available on
the one bot, so why would they have to release a separate version for Australia only.

I am thinking of purchasing this betting bot which is advertised at about £80 or about $129 AUD

Any quick response would be greatly appreaciated.


Bhagwan 14th April 2011 09:40 AM

I would look at BetBotPro & BF Manager first

Take advantage of their free trials.

They are both very user friendly , unlike the majority of other bots out there.

I have tried GHB & found the other 2 Bots where a lot smother to use.

Both have the ability to make bets under the $5.00 Betfair limit.

raldridge 14th April 2011 12:04 PM

GHB Lite Betting Bot
I have since bought the GHB Lite betting bot which is very good and easy to
use but I notice it sometimes does not put all the bets on like last night it did not put the last two bets on and of course they both won. So now I place the bets before I retire to bed on the UK races using the free Evolution bot at least then I know all bets are placed.
Of course this could be a Betfair problem with the bot not being able to get the bets matched after the 60 seconds onward prior to the off?.
When my bank gets to $250 or more I can then bet at the Betfair minimum of $5 that then being 2% of my bank. Then I can get the BFSP odds which one cannot get when using any betting bot as far as I know?.
I have tried the Gruss Betting Assistant which also seems ok for a subscription

Bhagwan 14th April 2011 09:36 PM

The BetBotPro has the ability to bet Betfair SP

raldridge 14th April 2011 11:24 PM

GHB Lite Betting Bot
Is Bet Bot Pro by subscription or an up front cost,and could you tell me what the subscription/up front cost is?.

Also does Bet Bot Pro enable betting on odds movers either going out or coming in in price?.

Bhagwan 20th April 2011 11:08 PM

You have a choice of one off cost or subscription.

It does not follow price fluctuations.

Has a free trial available.

raldridge 20th April 2011 11:26 PM

GHB Lite Betting Bot
I am trialling The Bet Engine bot and I am using the odds capture to capture any steamers from the 30 minute to right up to race start and laying them at 2% liability of the bank. looks very profitable so far With this bot there is a 7 day trial then there is a £10 per month subscription after that.
Looks very good with loads of features and a lot of built in staking plans.

Bhagwan 21st April 2011 12:23 AM

That sounds interesting .

Must check it out..

You mention laying Steamers.

Arn't t they runners most likely to win.

Bhagwan 21st April 2011 03:22 AM

This site has a number of Bots.


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