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Stix 31st May 2011 11:19 PM

Neural Filters
Hi Guys

Started this thread half and hour ago, but lost it :mad:
So I've shortened it - Sorry

My Top neural filters are:
  • No Metro Races
  • Races 1-7
  • Tab #2-9
  • Weight 53-58.5kg
  • Barriers 4+
  • Placed 2nd+ No last start winners
  • No resumers
  • Field size 9+
  • 1200 and 1400m races to consider being eliminated
  • Not a track winner
  • Not a distance winner
  • No Apprentices
  • Not a Radio TAB 1st or special* Selection
Coupled with not betting at certain traks - Gold Coast, Kembla Grange, Canberra, Bendigo, Hobart, etc these filters improve just about any system when applied in full, part or singularly.

Look forward to others thoughts....

P.S. Garyf is you're still here can you please email me again?

Stix 3rd June 2011 08:48 PM

Fellow neural followers must be busy, applying the filters :eek: :p

Bhagwan 5th June 2011 07:12 AM

I find Neurals tend to perform stronger on distances 1400m+

Mainly due to the heavy penalties in points if resuming & there tend to be less resumers attracted to 1400m+ races.

Stix 7th June 2011 10:03 PM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
I find Neurals tend to perform stronger on distances 1400m+

Mainly due to the heavy penalties in points if resuming & there tend to be less resumers attracted to 1400m+ races.

1000 29.3% -10.2%
1100 31.7 -10.4
1200 28.0 -16.5
1300 26.1 -16.4
1400 25.7 -21.2
1500 30.2 -4.6
1600 26.4 -15.9
1700 34.3 -8.4
1800 31.1 2.0
1900 32.8 7.8
2000 28.8 -10.2
2100 25.0 -19.1
2200 24.7 -13.3
2300 11.1 -71.1
2400+ 30.9 -17.8

This is from 4638 Selections
S/R = 28.1%
LOT = 13.9%

What do you make of this Bhags?

Place the following filters:
* No Dist Win
* No Track Win
* No apprentices

This leave 2226 Selections
S/R = 30.1%
LOT = 8.2%

Betting Races 6-10 only
Sel 512
S/R 29.5%
POT 7.7%

....could go on, but anyway, the distance stats appear to support your theory Bhags - 1500m-2000m at least showa good point to start.

Raven 8th June 2011 07:58 AM

so, whats the best preference setting? i've never really looked at the neurals. is CP the most important factor?

Bhagwan 9th June 2011 01:54 AM


That's some stats there Stix.

I'm impressed.

Well done.

Stix 9th June 2011 09:17 PM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan

That's some stats there Stix.

I'm impressed.

Well done.
It's only good, if you can employ any edge....not much chatter about neurals, so I'll potter on with my methods.

I can make a nice back-fitted result ;) .... now testing live last two months - reasonable and promising 20% POT so far, which should taper off....but hope for some sustainability in POT in the order of 8-12% on 50-70 bets a week....

All the best.

P.S. Raven.....I use CF, CP, JT, BP, D, $, DLR - then other filters as mentioned below, I also use another ratings method as a final selection filter. Good Luck.

Stix 9th June 2011 09:42 PM

Using the following filters:
* No Dist Win
* No Track Win
* No apprentices
* Race 6-10
* 12+ Runners
* <= 2000m

Sel 348
Win 99 S/R 28.4%
Win Units 58.9 (Av Div $4.1) POT 17.1%

....potter, potter, potter....... :rolleyes:

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