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UselessBettor 17th March 2012 10:03 AM

System tester Data Refresh
I am refreshing all of the data in the system tester ( http://testyoursystem.000space.com/ ) over the next couple of days to fix a few bugs in the data. You will notice it go back to 0 races and build up over the next couple of days. Hopefully this fixes all of the issues with place odds and a couple of missing records.

I'll let you guys know when I have finished updating the site.

Remember this is just a basic site for running some simple tests. If you find this useful then the system tester sold on this forum by Chrome Prince is probably a good next step in system testing. It offers a lot more functionality then my site.

Stix 17th March 2012 10:06 AM

Originally Posted by UselessBettor
I am refreshing all of the data in the system tester ( http://testyoursystem.000space.com/ ) over the next couple of days to fix a few bugs in the data. You will notice it go back to 0 races and build up over the next couple of days. Hopefully this fixes all of the issues with place odds and a couple of missing records.

I'll let you guys know when I have finished updating the site.

Remember this is just a basic site for running some simple tests. If you find this useful then the system tester sold on this forum by Chrome Prince is probably a good next step in system testing. It offers a lot more functionality then my site.
Good work UB, I have noticed a few data glitches in the FR column, although not sure if this figure changes like the neurals do sometimes....anyone know if scrathings etc affect the FR or just the PR and/or Div?


UselessBettor 20th March 2012 01:39 PM

Data is almost refreshed and will be up to date by the end of today.

I suggest rechecking any systems you had previously checked and found profitable especially those that used ranking information.

There are still a few bugs which I will get to when I have time but the data is in a much better state. Its free so I try and fix it when I get time and notice issues -- You get the support that you pay for :)

Saying this its a quck tester that you can use as a pointer in the right direction.

Remember if you want a commercial system that has far less data issues then my free version then there is one adveritised on this forum which has had good recommendations.

The Ocho 22nd March 2012 11:05 AM

Hi UB.

I'm not sure this is correct.

I'm testing the first ranked backing for a place (which I assume to be the first place favorite on Betfair). I'm using test for place results but the data says WIN.

There were 73013 horse form lines in the database at this point in time. We update when we get time.

There were 7541 selections for the System
There were 7417 races for the System
There were 4953 Winners for the System for a strike rate of 65.68%
There were $9286.44 returned for WIN (after 5% commission) which means a Profit or loss of $1745.44 or a percentage profit/loss of 23.15%

Test Another System

The Rules used were : priceRank < 90 and priceRank = 1

This can't be correct, can it???

If it is then were all wasting our time coming up with ANY systems. :confused:

UselessBettor 22nd March 2012 06:58 PM

places are still screwed. I need a free day where I can go through and look at the problems with the place prices. I think its got sometihng to do with races which do not have place prices on betfair screwing up the data.

I have spent more time making sure any issues with the win markets were fixed first as I normally bet them.

The Ocho 22nd March 2012 08:47 PM

No worries. Thanks UB.

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