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TWOBETS 17th March 2012 05:27 PM

Neural inconsistency
Don't want to keep harping on about the R&S site and it's occasional loss of plot, but here's a corker just to illustrate the dangers of using the neurals as a reliable base.

Randwick R7 N16 Rose of peace shows as lowest of all runners on CP neurals yet scores highest in the Career ratings score. This is clearly gobbledegook. It went on to win at around $220 on Betfew.

Go yonder and figurest thou.

michaelg 17th March 2012 05:48 PM

I'm sure the R & S people could provide a plausible explanation, but like you I'm at a loss. It seems it could not be more inconsistent.

lomaca 17th March 2012 05:52 PM

Originally Posted by TWOBETS
Don't want to keep harping on about the R&S site and it's occasional loss of plot, but here's a corker just to illustrate the dangers of using the neurals as a reliable base.

Randwick R7 N16 Rose of peace shows as lowest of all runners on CP neurals yet scores highest in the Career ratings score. This is clearly gobbledegook. It went on to win at around $220 on Betfew.

Go yonder and figurest thou.
My posts seem to disappear as soon as I put them up.
Could you point me to the rating?
I can't see this horse anywhere on top in any Neural ratings.

Toil 17th March 2012 05:58 PM

I wonder if the CP is based on the last 12 mths? As its career best rating was just a couple weeks more then 12mths ago.

Where it ran 3rd over 1400m with 56kg in a 3yo-G2 race.

Got in lite and just needed a bit of pace it seems.

Go the swooper.

moeee 17th March 2012 06:06 PM

$220 is a nice price

i would be much too scared to offer anyone those sort of Odds for any horse - Not even against Black Caviar.

lomaca 17th March 2012 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by TWOBETS
Don't want to keep harping on about the R&S site and it's occasional loss of plot, but here's a corker just to illustrate the dangers of using the neurals as a reliable base.

Randwick R7 N16 Rose of peace shows as lowest of all runners on CP neurals yet scores highest in the Career ratings score. This is clearly gobbledegook. It went on to win at around $220 on Betfew.

Go yonder and figurest thou.
I'm sure I posted before but can't, for some reason see them, refresh doesn't help.

Are you sure you did not make a mistake? There is no rating in the Neurals where this horse is on top.

moeee 17th March 2012 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by lomaca
I'm sure I posted before but can't, for some reason see them, refresh doesn't help.

Yes you did post before.
I can see your previous post without any problems.

Might you have put yourself on "ignore"?

lomaca 17th March 2012 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by moeee
Yes you did post before.
I can see your previous post without any problems.

Might you have put yourself on "ignore"?
Thanks moeee, this is the utility PC we all use for the internet via the home network and my son used CCleaner and deleted all our settings.
In the process it scrambled up something.

michaelg 17th March 2012 06:44 PM

If the CP algorithym refers only to a period of 12 months it would be quite misleading especially horses that have raced for several years.

They may have had a very good/bad start sometime in their career, only to excel/stumble.

lomaca 17th March 2012 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by michaelg
If the CP algorithym refers only to a period of 12 months it would be quite misleading especially horses that have raced for several years.

They may have had a very good/bad start sometime in their career, only to excel/stumble.
That may be Michael but I still can't find this horse on top in
any category.
Am I blind or missing something?
If so, all my research is was useless.

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