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UselessBettor 24th June 2012 05:10 PM

My Attempt at it
With all this talk on fulltime punting I thought I would give it a theoretical go if I had a big enough bank.

These are my real selections that I am betting but just not at the levels which would need to go fulltime. I have every confidence I could place the same bets at the required level with a larger bank without any hassle. My methods are high turnover with smallish bets.

There will be limited value in this thread for others as I will not post my selections as they could be backfitted to determine my methods. I will be using a combination of betting and laying selections. I will post my profit / loss on a theorectical bank and will also take money out for living costs.

I think I will need a bank of 40K to ensure I am safe with my bet size. This is 10 times what I think my maximum draw down could be.

I'll start by putting up todays results.

Each day I will take out a wage. It will be $200 per day which is approximately 73K. My profit on starting bank will hopefully be large enough to cover this as I will turn it over many times. My Profit on turnover however will be extremely small.

Day 1 - Aus Market Update
Starting Bank: $40,000
Profit for the day : $590.47
Wage Deducation : $200
Closing Bank: $40,390.47

So far so good.

moeee 24th June 2012 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by UselessBettor
There will be limited value in this thread for others as I will not post my selections.
I'll start by putting up todays results.

Why bother?

UselessBettor 24th June 2012 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by moeee
Why bother?

Accountability to myself.
Work Ethic.

All things you would need as a professional punter.

Lord Greystoke 24th June 2012 05:42 PM

I get it UB.

A is for Accountability.
B is for Blood_ hard work
C is for Consistency

The approach looks sound and commendable,
Especially given that you put it out there for all to see.


moeee 24th June 2012 05:44 PM


UselessBettor 25th June 2012 06:55 AM

I got a small profit out of Ireland and the UK last night.

Day 1 - UK Market Update
Starting Bank: $40,390.47
Profit for the day : $49.51
Wage Deducation : $0
Closing Bank: $40439.98

UselessBettor 25th June 2012 06:11 PM

Bad day today with a number of losers. It should be expected after a good day yesterday.

Day 2 - Aus Market Update
Starting Bank: $40,439.98
Profit for the day : $(481.78) LOSS
Wage Deducation : $200
Closing Bank: $39758.20

I've got a few going around tonight so hopefully I wake up in the morning to a nice profit.

UselessBettor 26th June 2012 06:43 AM

Day 2 - UK Market Update
Starting Bank: $39,758.20
Profit for the day : $103.23
Wage Deducation : $0
Closing Bank: $39,861.43

A nice little profit to wake to over night. I already take betfair commission out of the above at the rate of 6.5%. I wonder how much the premium charge would effect me eventually. Something for me to keep in mind (although it would be a long time till I bet at this level).

I just realised I have taken out the UK commission incorrectly at 6.5% and it should only be 5%.

UselessBettor 26th June 2012 06:50 AM

Originally Posted by UselessBettor
Day 2 - UK Market Update
Starting Bank: $39,758.20
Profit for the day : $103.23
Wage Deducation : $0
Closing Bank: $39,861.43

I just realised I have taken out the UK commission incorrectly at 6.5% and it should only be 5%.

Day 2 - UK Market Update
Starting Bank: $39,861.43
Adjustment for Commission miscalculation : +3.44
Closing Bank: $39,864.87

UselessBettor 26th June 2012 03:54 PM

Day 3 - Aus Market Update
Starting Bank: $39,864.87
Profit for the day : $1033.41
Wage Deducation : $200
Closing Bank: $40698.28

It was a good day today with it being a Tuesday and I only had bets on at 2 meetings. Almost all of the bets got up and the lays ran poorly.

Interesting to me is I have pulled out a wage of $600 so far and the bank is still higher then the starting bank.

Obviously the forum curse is yet to hit me but Im sure its on its way, I've got a few bets in the UK and IRE tonight so hopefully I'll wake up to a higher bank again tommorrow.

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