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Benny 23rd July 2012 03:29 PM

How do I limit my liability to say $20 when I lay a horse.

jose 23rd July 2012 03:33 PM

$30 minimum Benny.

UselessBettor 23rd July 2012 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by Benny
How do I limit my liability to say $20 when I lay a horse.
liability/(odds -1 )

For example a 100 hrose would be layed for 30/(100-1) = 30/99 = 0.30

Or at $5 odds it is 30/(5-1) = 30/4 = $7.50

Working back 7.50*$5-$7.5 = $30

Sorry based above on $30 ... just substitue $20 for 30 in above calcs.

The Ocho 23rd July 2012 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by Benny
How do I limit my liability to say $20 when I lay a horse.

The liability is a minimum of $30 however that does not apply if you want to lay something that is paying under $30 liability for the minimum bet of $5.

So if your laying the fave that's paying $3.00 and lay the horse for $5 (the amount you will win if the horse loses) your liability for that race will be $10. That's worked out by multiplying (the price of the horse minus 1) by the stake amount.

So ($3-$1) = $2 Horse x $5 stake = $10 liability.
Or ($5-$1) = $4 Horse x $5 stake = $20 liability.

You can also play around with the liability amount on the betfair web site until the liability equals how much you want before you submit the bet.

I hope that makes sense.

Mark 23rd July 2012 05:13 PM

The $30 minimum is SP only.

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