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UselessBettor 24th August 2012 06:41 PM

My Stats Day by Day
I am just going to record some stats down here on my real betting to keep an eye on the overall trends. I'll always post 1 day behind to ensure the stats are correct for the entire 24 hour period. Im partiuculary interested in my profit/loss % as I have made a few changes to my betting style. I'm intrigued to see if it holds above 1%.

23rd August
Bets : 74
Outlay/Risked : $181.97
Profit/Loss : $2.64
Profit/Loss % : 1.45%

The Ocho 24th August 2012 07:25 PM

What sort of bets does this entail UB? $74 bets with a profit of $2.64?

UselessBettor 25th August 2012 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by The Ocho
What sort of bets does this entail UB? $74 bets with a profit of $2.64?


It is both backing and laying. If you lay 1 horse at $10 then you have risked $9 to win that $1. But if you are backing a horse then you are only riskng the amount you back. My edge before my changes was approx 0.3% so I am hoping to raise this slighly to over 1%.

UselessBettor 25th August 2012 06:13 AM

The running total now:

24th August
Bets: 172
Outlay/Risked : $474.01
Profit/Loss : $6.26
Profit/Loss % : 1.32%

The Ocho 25th August 2012 09:33 AM

No worries UB. I was sort of laughing at those stats until I realized that a place system I am trying out has had 83 bets for a profit of 4.54 units (if betting $1) AND I'm actually happy with this. (I'm betting the minimum $5 on Betfair which gives me a profit of $22.24 at the moment).

So, keep it up UB.

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