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partypooper 14th August 2013 05:01 PM

Pre-Post (again)
Whilst I've carried out extensive research myself on this subject there's one thing that I neglected to record, I was wondering if any other "systemite" may have.

What I'm after is: taking the Pre-post fav (always from the same source ) has anyone recorded what the return WOULD have been if the winning nags won at the actual Pre-post price (as against the actual SP) ?

midas 18th August 2013 08:38 PM

Sorry can't help with your request. However I have used PP Market as a rating service before and am now using it for a system.As you know not all start as favourite. Two recent which qualified for me 16/7 Geelong 72 $10.30 and
24/7 Belmont 52 $15.00.

partypooper 19th August 2013 05:14 PM

Thanks Midas, there's obviously not much interest,... what I was trying to establish was how accurate the PP is as far as final SP is concerned (we already know that it is very accurate or well, one of the most accurate ways of predicting the winner) so I was hoping for some data to dissect, but never mind I'll just have to do it long hand through archives.

beton 19th August 2013 05:35 PM

Inracing has done a statistical series include what they call assessed odds which are provided by a third party. This is independent and on every runner as a prepost market. My assumption here is that they from the likes of AAP. I don't know, but this could be the closest that you will get to answer your query.

jose 19th August 2013 05:35 PM

Longhand it is Party. Same here, sad but true.
There again, I do enjoy it.

partypooper 19th August 2013 06:16 PM

thanks for that beton, that inracing thing is interesting, I presume that 15.9% LOT is TAB, as that's about standard. ( so presumably that could be instantly reduced to less than 10%LOT just by using best tote or BF SP) It would be worth comparing the "Rating" (so to speak) with the predicted odds though as has been shown many times the lower the price the less the LOT, and sometimes a break even situation, which is "frustratingly" close to that elusive Grail isn't it?

I had some success with using the PP but only backing it if it shortened AND was still Fav. 1 minute before the off, now that also concurs with the in racing point about the UNDERLAYS being more profitable (flying in the face of the old "Dons" theory)
I then unfortunately started this blue dy endless renovation and just can't spend the time in front of the comp.

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