OZmium Sports Betting and Horse Racing Forums

OZmium Sports Betting and Horse Racing Forums (http://forums.ozmium.com.au/index.php)
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-   -   On-Course Bookmakers Odds (http://forums.ozmium.com.au/showthread.php?t=2773)

huybo 3rd June 2003 10:42 AM

Does anyone know of a site online that gives the bookies odds from on course.
I want to be able to access the odds that you see on the screens oncourse.

Kojak 3rd June 2003 08:53 PM

You can get live bookies prices from on-course at http://www.bookies.com.au

I am told that this site is completely legal and was developed with the bookies association and betting control board in WA.

Currently they have bookies betting on Perth Racing, WA provincial racing, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane racing, Perth trots, and anything the Perth trot or racing bookmakers offer away markets on. I have even seen dog bookies on the site from time to time. The site promises to have a sports bookie on the site in the near future.

The best thing about this site is not that you can see live bookies prices, but that you can bet with any of the bookies without having to open separate accounts.

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