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Pat123 2nd May 2014 02:55 PM

Pinnacle Sports Australia
This may be old news so feel free to delete this if there's already a thread.

I had a chat today to a manager at theoddsbroker and he said Pinnacle Sports Australia is opening up soon and going to offer racing and fixed odds, and most importantly, not ban punters.


Chrome Prince 2nd May 2014 03:07 PM

Wow, this could really be something if it's true.
Wonder what their takeout will be though?

Pat123 2nd May 2014 03:17 PM

Not sure. Glad he said they'll work by the same model as Pinnacle usually do though and use their winning customers to sharpen their lines/odds. So far it'll be Aus racing and Sports, but I told him I'd really like international racing too at some point. We'll see..

Chrome Prince 2nd May 2014 03:21 PM

Not sure how they can get ahead of that though, the sharper bods will dump on the overlays or arbs in the last seconds?

Pat123 2nd May 2014 03:53 PM

I dunno. He was adamant in stressing two things, 1) you'll be able to get set for huge limits (bigger than Topsport etc) and 2) winners are more than welcome.

stugots 2nd May 2014 04:16 PM

If true that could put a few of the pommy blowins in a bit of strife...oh the joy;)

UselessBettor 2nd May 2014 04:34 PM

Pinnacle just make a book and adjust their lines very quickly and correctly. They do an amazing job of getting the lines right. Movements on their odds can be quick and rapid though so overlays don't hang around for long.

Chrome Prince 2nd May 2014 04:40 PM

IF and a massive IF, they use the same takeout as exists in their models, it will blow all competition including Betfair out of the water for good.
You'll be able to back horses without levy, premium charges, and at reduced commission. How on earth will they get around the horseracing levy though?

Pat123 2nd May 2014 04:48 PM

Yes, he said they will be using the same models. He said they have the license for Pinnacle Sports AU and mentioned things should get off the ground in a few weeks. Anything can change though, so I've asked to be emailed with updates. I'll put them here.

Pat123 9th May 2014 12:28 AM

Website testing starts next week. Their aim is to be up and running for the World Cup.

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