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Michal 1st July 2014 06:24 AM

Recent fortnight winning highlights
As per our recently announced changes, in order to streamline our work, our highlights will be posted twice a month in a single batch. Otherwise nothing changes; we post all races and all results in line with our results transparency policy. Due to the post size restriction, we will post the summary here with the detailed view available on our site.

Michal 1st July 2014 06:29 AM

Half 2 June
-Intelligence Rating: All 651 Races Top Pick 24.12%, Top 3 53.30%. -Speed Rating: All 651 Races Top Pick 19.20%, Top 3 51.31%.

The detailed results of second half of July are found here.

PS: You might like to visit our Big Winners page for highlights of our winning selections that payed over $10.

Michal 1st July 2014 06:48 AM

Half 2 June 2014
Sorry for the double post, Im trying a different format that resembles more our old format of details and result summary at the end.

Beleeup $81.00 PkD3 Jaffar $61.00 InD Rouen $41.00 InD-PkD2 Mister Cool $41.00 InD Crusader Rabbit $34.00 SR3 Showmethemoney $31.00 InD Radiant Joy $31.00 SR3 Humble Hugh $26.00 InD-IR3-SR3 Letchworth $26.00 InD-PkD2 Maecenus $23.00 InD Regaliti $21.00 InD-PkD3-SR2 Dapper Dan $21.00 InD-SR3 Pollonize $21.00 PkD3 Hatzis $21.00 InD-IR3 Prussian Power $21.00 InD Blacko $21.00 InD Chicago Chick $21.00 InD-PkD1 Cosmic Glow $21.00 PkD2-SR2 Sky Dreamer $18.00 InD-SR3 Cashmia $18.00 SR3 I Done It $18.00 SR2 Little Schiller $17.00 PkD3-IR3-SR2 Texan Lad $17.00 InD Chambray $17.00 PkD3-SR3 Speedy Sort $16.00 InD-SR3 Pengalas Gee Gee $16.00 InD Sunday Too Far $16.00 PkD3 Jeraly $16.00 InD-IR3-SR3 Random Ruler $16.00 InD Easyaye $16.00 PkD2 Carmela Miss $16.00 InD-IR3-SR3 Tuesdaynitedelight $15.00 InD Trig $15.00 PkD3 Believenreceive $15.00 PkD1 Mickiem $15.00 InD-PkD1-IR2-SR1 Blackmore Vale $15.00 PkD2 Rubys Wu $15.00 PkD1 Dominant Manner $15.00 SR2 Amarna $14.00 InD Ruby Diamonds $14.00 PkD2-SR3 Curley Mac $14.00 PkD3-IR1-SR1 Dumosa $14.00 InD-PkD2 Wylie $14.00 SR2 Chips $13.00 InD Playhouse Theatre $13.00 PkD2 Solebid $13.00 InD-PkD2-SR2 Black Nemesis $13.00 PkD1-IR3 Skip Town $13.00 PkD3 Unikin $13.00 InD Mrs Macgillycuddy $13.00 InD-PkD3-SR3 Occasion $12.00 InD-IR2-SR2 Vancouver Gold $12.00 PkD3-IR3 Busy Doin Nothin $12.00 PkD2 Right Honourable $12.00 InD Babur $12.00 InD Our Littletreasure $12.00 PkD3-SR3 Ima Secret $12.00 InD-PkD2-IR2-SR2 Flight To Destiny $12.00 IR2-SR2 Miss Instinctive $12.00 SR3 Doubt No More $12.00 SR3 Detachment $11.00 PkD3 Gloop $11.00 InD-PkD2-IR2-SR2 Sutton Chilli $11.00 InD Kay Beas Lad $11.00 PkD1 Circuit Spirit $11.00 InD-PkD1 Dignity Haze $11.00 SR3 Elite Ateates $10.00 InD-PkD2-SR2 Explore The World $10.00 InD-PkD2 Prince Dan $10.00 InD-IR3 Roman Eye $10.00 InD Dream Theatre $10.00 InD Ourmatealvin $10.00 InD-IR3-SR2 Such Hope $10.00 InD Megasus $10.00 InD Effjaycanny $10.00 InD Tiger Dimejan $10.00 IR2 Momentary $10.00 IR1-SR2 My Angels $10.00 IR3-SR2 Pillar Of Creation $10.00 IR3 Full results for all priced winners .... -Intelligence Rating: All 651 Races Top Pick 24.12%, Top 3 53.30%. -Speed Rating: All 651 Races Top Pick 19.20%, Top 3 51.31%.

Only the better priced winners and full results summary for the half month are shown here, due to post size restriction.
The full detailed results of second half of July 2014 are found here.

Rinconpaul 1st July 2014 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by Michal
Sorry for the double post, Im trying a different format that resembles more our old format of details and result summary at the end.

Beleeup $81.00 PkD3 Jaffar $61.00 InD Rouen $41.00 InD-PkD2 Mister Cool $41.00 InD Crusader Rabbit $34.00 SR3 Showmethemoney $31.00 InD Radiant Joy $31.00 SR3 Humble Hugh $26.00 InD-IR3-SR3 Letchworth $26.00 InD-PkD2 Maecenus $23.00 InD Regaliti $21.00 InD-PkD3-SR2 Dapper Dan $21.00 InD-SR3 Pollonize $21.00 PkD3 Hatzis $21.00 InD-IR3 Prussian Power $21.00 InD Blacko $21.00 InD Chicago Chick $21.00 InD-PkD1 Cosmic Glow $21.00 PkD2-SR2 Sky Dreamer $18.00 InD-SR3 Cashmia $18.00 SR3 I Done It $18.00 SR2 Little Schiller $17.00 PkD3-IR3-SR2 Texan Lad $17.00 InD Chambray $17.00 PkD3-SR3 Speedy Sort $16.00 InD-SR3 Pengalas Gee Gee $16.00 InD Sunday Too Far $16.00 PkD3 Jeraly $16.00 InD-IR3-SR3 Random Ruler $16.00 InD Easyaye $16.00 PkD2 Carmela Miss $16.00 InD-IR3-SR3 Tuesdaynitedelight $15.00 InD Trig $15.00 PkD3 Believenreceive $15.00 PkD1 Mickiem $15.00 InD-PkD1-IR2-SR1 Blackmore Vale $15.00 PkD2 Rubys Wu $15.00 PkD1 Dominant Manner $15.00 SR2 Amarna $14.00 InD Ruby Diamonds $14.00 PkD2-SR3 Curley Mac $14.00 PkD3-IR1-SR1 Dumosa $14.00 InD-PkD2 Wylie $14.00 SR2 Chips $13.00 InD Playhouse Theatre $13.00 PkD2 Solebid $13.00 InD-PkD2-SR2 Black Nemesis $13.00 PkD1-IR3 Skip Town $13.00 PkD3 Unikin $13.00 InD Mrs Macgillycuddy $13.00 InD-PkD3-SR3 Occasion $12.00 InD-IR2-SR2 Vancouver Gold $12.00 PkD3-IR3 Busy Doin Nothin $12.00 PkD2 Right Honourable $12.00 InD Babur $12.00 InD Our Littletreasure $12.00 PkD3-SR3 Ima Secret $12.00 InD-PkD2-IR2-SR2 Flight To Destiny $12.00 IR2-SR2 Miss Instinctive $12.00 SR3 Doubt No More $12.00 SR3 Detachment $11.00 PkD3 Gloop $11.00 InD-PkD2-IR2-SR2 Sutton Chilli $11.00 InD Kay Beas Lad $11.00 PkD1 Circuit Spirit $11.00 InD-PkD1 Dignity Haze $11.00 SR3 Elite Ateates $10.00 InD-PkD2-SR2 Explore The World $10.00 InD-PkD2 Prince Dan $10.00 InD-IR3 Roman Eye $10.00 InD Dream Theatre $10.00 InD Ourmatealvin $10.00 InD-IR3-SR2 Such Hope $10.00 InD Megasus $10.00 InD Effjaycanny $10.00 InD Tiger Dimejan $10.00 IR2 Momentary $10.00 IR1-SR2 My Angels $10.00 IR3-SR2 Pillar Of Creation $10.00 IR3 Full results for all priced winners .... -Intelligence Rating: All 651 Races Top Pick 24.12%, Top 3 53.30%. -Speed Rating: All 651 Races Top Pick 19.20%, Top 3 51.31%.

Only the better priced winners and full results summary for the half month are shown here, due to post size restriction.
The full detailed results of second half of July 2014 are found here.
Let's have a reality check here for the benefit of readers. As a former client, I am very familiar with the performance of your program. Let me clarify a few things here:

When you see a designation like 'PkD3', that is one selection rating. Then say 'Ind-PkD2', another combination of ratings, and so it goes on. You could have any number of these selection methods applying to each race, say 6 of them. Some will overlap and pick the same selection, others not, so it's no difference to dutching 3 or 4 horses in every race. Try and make a profit out of that?

It's all well and good listing winners, but what about the losers? What is the POT% of any one or combination of these selection methods. What is the max bank drawdown. What is the run of outs between wins? What is the cost of the daily data download and platform?


Some content of this post has been moderated due to inaccurate statements of fact. Please do not make statements like this again. Moderator.

Vortech 4th July 2014 10:50 AM

You have quoted now moderated inaccurate content. Plus the 2008 GFC is completely irrelevant to horse racing. Post deleted. Moderator.

Michal 16th July 2014 05:41 AM

Half 1 July 2014
It was an interesting first half of July. As I monitored the performance each day I was seeing more of 21% -24% top pick strike rates on daily bases, rather then our usual 27%. I was convinced, from these observation, that the fortnight was going to be not so good. At the end .... 27.43%.

Just goes to show you that often the perception you have about your punting is WRONG. Looking at actual stats, rather then thinking you can remember them often shows a different picture, we are after all human and as such tend to gravitate towards believing the negative far easier then we do the positive. The picture is often not as grim, a reality check of the actual stats can prevent lot of the negative perceptions.

Maginnis Magee $41.00 InD Up And Ablaze $31.00 InD My Lady Megan $26.00 InD Do Telle $26.00 InD Lil Kim $26.00 SR3 Convoy $23.00 InD Iniquity $21.00 InD-PkD1 Favorite Shadow $21.00 PkD2 Prize $21.00 InD Courtside $21.00 SR3 Get Out Of Town $19.00 PkD1 Lido $19.00 PkD1 Rock Home Late $19.00 InD-PkD3 Surpark $18.00 InD-PkD3-IR3-SR3 Positive Quest $17.00 InD-PkD1-IR3 Kleiner Teufel $16.00 InD Im Imposing $16.00 InD-PkD1-SR3 Legal Tender $16.00 PkD3 Daryl $16.00 InD-PkD2-IR1-SR1 Dubyago $16.00 IR2-SR2 Alert Bert $15.00 InD Stable Secret $15.00 InD-IR3-SR3 Triple Bibble $15.00 InD-IR2-SR1 Anytime Baby $15.00 InD-PkD3-IR2-SR2 Slainte $14.00 InD-IR2-SR2 Rasala $14.00 InD-PkD2 Eagles Nest $14.00 PkD3-IR3-SR3 Rebel Exceed $14.00 InD Sir Blaze $14.00 InD-PkD1 Zataglio $14.00 InD A Bit Wicked $14.00 InD-PkD2-IR1-SR2 Nearest To Pin $14.00 InD-PkD2 King Of The Forest $14.00 InD Pinky Tuscadero $14.00 SR3 Bet You She Rocks $13.00 PkD3-IR1-SR1 Coruscation $13.00 PkD2 Princely $13.00 InD-SR2 Crotchet $13.00 InD-PkD2-IR2-SR2 Galinba Blast $13.00 InD De Nederlanden $13.00 InD-IR3-SR2 Country Squire $13.00 IR2 Murrays Sun $13.00 IR3-SR3 Dreams Of Gold $12.00 InD-PkD3 Pierremont $12.00 PkD2 Carvalho $12.00 InD Royal Mephisto $12.00 PkD3-IR3-SR2 Ferguson $12.00 InD Playing Game $12.00 IR3 Long Lasting $12.00 IR2-SR2 Airalign $12.00 SR3 Estada $11.00 InD Thiamandi $11.00 InD-PkD2-IR1-SR1 Iggi Pop $11.00 PkD1 Space $11.00 InD-PkD3-SR2 Danecan $11.00 InD-PkD1 Quarter Hennessy $11.00 PkD3 Arctic Red $11.00 InD-PkD1-IR2-SR2 Heart Show $11.00 InD-PkD2 Strategic Glory $11.00 PkD2 Subtract $11.00 PkD3-IR1-SR3 Umfazi $11.00 PkD3-IR3-SR2 Cooloola $11.00 InD-PkD1 Ever $10.00 PkD2-IR1 Rapete $10.00 InD Nearctic Chiller $10.00 PkD3-IR1-SR3 Baqaba $10.00 InD Doreboy $10.00 InD-SR3 Directive $10.00 InD-PkD2-IR1-SR1 Tiger Jack $10.00 InD-PkD3 Life Patrol $10.00 InD-PkD1-SR3 Grey Mustang $10.00 InD Testashadow $10.00 InD Diggers Fortune $10.00 InD-PkD3-SR2 A Cool Lago $10.00 PkD3-IR1-SR1 Hezza Tidal Wave $10.00 IR3-SR2 Full Strike rate results for all priced winners .... -Intelligence Rating: All 649 Races Top Pick 27.43%, Top 3 58.86%. -Speed Rating: All 649 Races Top Pick 24.04%, Top 3 52.54%.

Only the better priced winners and full results summary for the half month are shown here, due to post size restriction.
The full detailed results of 1st half of July 2014 are found here.

Rinconpaul 16th July 2014 06:18 AM

Examples taken from the previous post:

Maginnis Magee $41.00 InD
Up And Ablaze $31.00 InD
My Lady Megan $26.00 InD
Do Telle $26.00 InD

As a former client, I can verify that the 'InD' indicator is a 'green' highlighted selection in every race, and usually 3 or 4 horses per race are selected.

Surpark $18.00 InD-PkD3-IR3-SR3

This selection is a pick using a multiple of Ratings:
InD....3 or 4 picks each race on average.
Peak Distance 3...3rd best pick for this Rating
Intelligence Rating 3...3rd best pick for this Rating
Speed Rating 3...3rd best pick for this Rating.

Every race you are offered a smorgasbord of possible selections, and just like a smorgasbord, it remains your choice as to which one/s to Back or Lay.

Michal, is this an inaccurate statement of fact?

PaulD01 16th July 2014 10:46 AM

Originally Posted by Rinconpaul
Examples taken from the previous post:

Maginnis Magee $41.00 InD
Up And Ablaze $31.00 InD
My Lady Megan $26.00 InD
Do Telle $26.00 InD

As a former client, I can verify that the 'InD' indicator is a 'green' highlighted selection in every race, and usually 3 or 4 horses per race are selected.

Surpark $18.00 InD-PkD3-IR3-SR3

This selection is a pick using a multiple of Ratings:
InD....3 or 4 picks each race on average.
Peak Distance 3...3rd best pick for this Rating
Intelligence Rating 3...3rd best pick for this Rating
Speed Rating 3...3rd best pick for this Rating.

Every race you are offered a smorgasbord of possible selections, and just like a smorgasbord, it remains your choice as to which one/s to Back or Lay.

Michal, is this an inaccurate statement of fact?

Hi RP,

The ratings that are displayed in the recent highlights section are as you say the speed rating, intelligence rating, indicators and pkd. Each rating is designed for a different purpose. We display them so that prospective clients can evaluate the broad range of options available. The Pkd and indicators are more likely to find long shots whilst the speed rating and in particular the IR rating is more likely to identify winners within the top end of the market chances. As a reminder these results aren't intended to represent a betting strategy they are simply a factual summary of the winners that are identified across the aforementioned ratings. Of course there are plenty of losers as well but as the title of the thread is called "Recent fortnight winning highlights" that is what is listed.

Not sure of the point you are trying to make, however it is obvious that a punter has the choice of which rating/horse to back in any race assuming that they choose to bet at all on a given race or races.

Rinconpaul 16th July 2014 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by PaulD01
Hi RP,

.... As a reminder these results aren't intended to represent a betting strategy they are simply a factual summary of the winners that are identified across the aforementioned ratings. Of course there are plenty of losers as well but as the title of the thread is called "Recent fortnight winning highlights" that is what is listed.

Not sure of the point you are trying to make, however it is obvious that a punter has the choice of which rating/horse to back in any race assuming that they choose to bet at all on a given race or races.

Well it's nice to finally see some transparency appearing in R2W posts. Yes in any race you could have in excess of 80 combinations of Ratings, Form & Price factors and be able to spruik that your software provided a $41 winner. In fact I've seen InD indicators yield $100+ winners.

My point is to make others aware that a subscriber can't be betting on every possible combination and expect to profit. Win maybe, but not profit. It looks mighty enticing seeing all those big $ winners without a mention of the number of selections possible, the POT of any one selection method or a skerrick of disclaimer, unless you read the Terms and Conditions, that you referenced in a post the other day, an excerpt:

......"the Company shall not be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect or consequential loss, damages or costs suffered in relation to any of the information and/or selections supplied by any of our products or that of reliance upon any information contained within the Ratings 2 Win website".....

I'm not saying that in the right hands and with the right training, it couldn't be profitable, which I'm sure you'll attest to. The downfall though is letting a novice loose on it and expecting them to know how best to use it. Axis is not a selection/tipping service or set and forget system, it's an interactive tool to assist with analysis only and ultimately up to the user to make a selection and be solely responsible for that selection. The manual that accompanies the software is about which button to push, it doesn't delve into the merits or otherwise of a horse having certain gear or the rails out etc and how that may or may not impact. Personally I believe the software would be most useful in the hands of an experienced punter to enhance his/her decision making, but not so a novice. Similarly, any complex FX or share/sport trading software, providers have tutorials for novices to assist them. For instance a product like Betangel have them all the time.

Just my opinion Paul, best of luck with it

PaulD01 16th July 2014 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by Rinconpaul
Well it's nice to finally see some transparency appearing in R2W posts. Yes in any race you could have in excess of 80 combinations of Ratings, Form & Price factors and be able to spruik that your software provided a $41 winner. In fact I've seen InD indicators yield $100+ winners.

My point is to make others aware that a subscriber can't be betting on every possible combination and expect to profit. Win maybe, but not profit. It looks mighty enticing seeing all those big $ winners without a mention of the number of selections possible, the POT of any one selection method or a skerrick of disclaimer, unless you read the Terms and Conditions, that you referenced in a post the other day, an excerpt:

......"the Company shall not be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect or consequential loss, damages or costs suffered in relation to any of the information and/or selections supplied by any of our products or that of reliance upon any information contained within the Ratings 2 Win website".....

I'm not saying that in the right hands and with the right training, it couldn't be profitable, which I'm sure you'll attest to. The downfall though is letting a novice loose on it and expecting them to know how best to use it. Axis is not a selection/tipping service or set and forget system, it's an interactive tool to assist with analysis only and ultimately up to the user to make a selection and be solely responsible for that selection. The manual that accompanies the software is about which button to push, it doesn't delve into the merits or otherwise of a horse having certain gear or the rails out etc and how that may or may not impact. Personally I believe the software would be most useful in the hands of an experienced punter to enhance his/her decision making, but not so a novice. Similarly, any complex FX or share/sport trading software, providers have tutorials for novices to assist them. For instance a product like Betangel have them all the time.

Just my opinion Paul, best of luck with it

Hi RP,

Thanks for the feedback.

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