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puntz 28th July 2003 05:49 PM

Does anyone know what the technical specifications are to make a module that sends the bet to the TAB ?

[ This Message was edited by: puntz on 2003-07-30 16:22 ]

Bhagwan 29th July 2003 01:50 AM

Check out

Racetext International
Ph.(08)83823493 John Parry

It can do exactly what you need ,plus multi trifecta combinations , etc.
All at the click of a rat.

puntz 29th July 2003 07:38 AM

Thanks Bags, I already use Racetext.
Excelent program I may add.

[ This Message was edited by: puntz on 2003-07-30 16:24 ]

Laurence 29th July 2003 04:04 PM


When you say specifications for the module what exactly do you mean.

For Victorian TAB the method is called Betsheet. They have the specifications in their Help section.

In summary you upload a tab delimited text file such as:
ADE G 9 WIN "1" $2.

In this example I would have had a win bet on number one in race nine for $2.00 at Adelaide greyhounds.

So you need a system to generate the text file and then you click the icon on the TAB site and the file is picked up and processed.

When you say specifications do you mean how to create the text file?

In Excel you could just key your data in the columns and save the file as text with a macro.

Alternatively, you could use MS Access to create a form for your data entry of combinations, with data validation so incorrect combinations and/or amounts were checked before being sent.

This form would write the bets to a table, you'd then extract the bets via a query and produce the text file using a bit of code like:

Sub makefile()
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "qselMakeMyBets", "C:Monday.TXT"
End Sub

Note: You have to watch out for TAB race code changes. For example tonight Adelaide greyhounds are ADE G, they could just as easily be ADEL G tomorrow.

You could also write a standalone program to create your text file from your data entry - or if your bets are being "generated" via another system you may be able to link into it to exract the combinations and hence create the file.

Is this the sort of thing you wanted to know?


[ This Message was edited by: Laurence on 2003-07-29 17:06 ]

kenchar 29th July 2003 04:24 PM

I may be dumb and dont understand what you require,but if its just putting a bet on and getting last second fluctuations open a tab account and get on line. I bet the dishlickers when the second line are going in the boxes and always get on with no mistakes.

puntz 29th July 2003 06:41 PM

Lawrence, you are on the right track, yes.
May I email you and explain in more detail?

[ This Message was edited by: puntz on 2003-07-30 16:23 ]

Laurence 29th July 2003 08:45 PM


Ok - you can email me at lb43212001@yahoo.com.au


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