OZmium Sports Betting and Horse Racing Forums

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shoto 15th November 2003 09:48 PM

Would someone mind telling me how to interpret the api (average price index) figure?
Thanks very much.

shoto 6th December 2003 12:04 PM

Anyone? I wondered if it was a ranking by prizemoney of the horses in the race, but some of the api figures a much higher than the number of runners. What is the index?

calcurate 6th December 2003 12:14 PM

You might need to post the source or link
to your question.

It can mean the average starting price of an indivual runner or the average price of all runners in the race.


Chrome Prince 6th December 2003 12:37 PM


Sorry I missed your post earlier.

API = Career Prizemoney / Career Starts.

shoto 7th December 2003 08:16 PM

Calcurate - sorry, in my original post I said by mistake average price index, API = average prize index, ie prizemoney.

CP - I think career prizemoney / starts is just average prize per start, and as such higher would be better. API refers to an INDEX of some sort, and as far as I can tell, lower seems to be better. Apart from that, I have no clue.

Chrome Prince 7th December 2003 11:56 PM


API is average prizemoney divided by starts.
It just looks a little confusing as it is expressed in some formguides as a decimal rather than the dollar amount.


20 starts $100,000 prizemoney = $5,000
but they will express it as 5.0 for sake of saving space and layout.

Look at a few examples and you'll see what I mean.


shoto 9th December 2003 11:35 PM

OK, it was that decimal point that was the confusion. Thanks CP, much appreciated!

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