OZmium Sports Betting and Horse Racing Forums

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Mark 17th February 2004 07:12 PM


You'll need it !

puntz 17th February 2004 09:41 PM

the posts were "edited" again.

But I will persiste and write it up again.

observe table for 15-30 minutes
2 @ $5 chips on Centre and Right Column
If win, collect profit of 1 chip
If lose first spin, add 2 chips + 2 chips + 2 chips = 6 chips total
If win, you get back your initial stake, plus the 1 chip profit for the 2nd spin.
If lose 2nd spin, then it's 6 chips + 6 chips, + 2 chips. See the pattern ?
losing spins add the total loss of previous spins, PLUS to "normal" chips, to give you 1 chip profit per spin.
If win after a series of losses, it's back to 2 chips.
This has the potential to make $100.00 per hour.
But must observe the table and the spinner, and not every "next spin" is a bet.

If this method gets "edited" by management, please explain at least ?

[ This Message was edited by: puntz on 2004-02-29 21:24 ]

ingust 18th February 2004 06:08 PM

On 2004-02-17 22:41, puntz wrote:

what does 0 count for ?

I put 1 chip on 0 every 10 spins *after* a win/collect, or the "hunch spin" is 0.

crash 28th February 2004 08:32 PM

Hi guys,

The punting forum is a little slow so...

From a great post in Ausrace forum:

'There are special wards put aside in lunatic asylums for people who think
they can make money from the game of roulette'.

The great Albert Einstein once stated 'The only thing a player will ever get
out of roulette is poverty'. 'Roulette could only ever be beaten by a
gambler with infinite capital, playing in a game without limits for eternity'


[ This Message was edited by: crash on 2004-02-28 21:38 ]

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