OZmium Sports Betting and Horse Racing Forums

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Big Louie 15th January 2002 10:44 PM

Can anybody tell me if they know of a service which provides downloadable horseracing information in a format which can be imported into, say, Excel or Access, such as Comma Separated Variable (.csv)? Obviously I would prefer the service to be free.

My selection methods (not System) are very simple, therefore the info I would like for each horse in the race is quite basic, such as career starts/win/place strike rates, dates, venues and placings of last 2 or 3 starts.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated and I would be happy to share my database design with anybody that helps me.

Thanks & regards,
Big Louie

[ This Message was edited by: Big Louie on 2002-01-15 23:49 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Big Louie on 2002-01-15 23:50 ]

mac 16th January 2002 05:15 PM

Hi Big L,

I've been looking for this myself and the only people who ***MAY*** do it is aap.

they have their own software they are trying to push, but I believe they can provide the data download WITHOUT the software. They have a number of services depending on how much data you require.

I have sent them 2 e-mail asking a question similar to yours with no reply yet.

If I do get one I'll post another reply or you might want to give them a try yourself at http://www.aapracing.com.au/aap_rc_formratings.html



PunterPete 17th January 2002 07:37 AM

Big L,

If you can get the data in any digital text format, I could have a go a writing a program to extract the data to your desired format. I have just done similar for detail NSW provincial results. The text data will need to be in a same format every time for this to work. Send me a text file and explain the information you want out and I will have a look.

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