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davez 4th September 2004 11:26 PM

As it seems the betting exchange brigade have gone into hiding after the pommy land racing industry debacle this week I thought it only right to raise the issue once again.

Having been previously undecided as to the value or otherwise of betting exchanges I now have this to say -

As a punter of 2 & 1/5 decades I have known & accepted for most of that time that out of every dollar I bet a certain percentage of that dollar will be lost to the darker side of the industry - the race fixers, the desperate pigmy’s, whatever greedy thief has found an angle - & after a while I was fine with that, being a person that in the end just loves the game for what it is, & had come to realize that a certain percentage of the time my lawyer, doctor, accountant, dentist, mechanic, etc, etc, were also going to fleece me, that’s just life.

However to introduce another avenue or means for someone to rip me off is unacceptable. I have worked to fckn hard to make a quid out of this game to have MY racing industry polluted with this ****.

So to all the promoters & supporters of these Betting Exchanges I say –


For me this is the end of the debate.

partypooper 4th September 2004 11:37 PM

Davez, hope you don't mind me quizzing you as I am totally bewildered by the onset of the betting exchanges, and wonder if you will elaborate on this post iether here or my e-mail address which is
LUMBASAKABAYO at hotmail dot com (all lower case of course)

Mr. Logic 5th September 2004 08:02 AM

What odd logic. Use the same logic and we'll ban cars, because people get killed in accidents.

It's not betting exchanges that are to blame.

Use your logic and we'll also ban stock excchanges because of the occasional corrupt person involved in running listed companies.



Shaun 5th September 2004 08:50 AM

where do we start....did they have exchanges when Fine Cotton was around no.....if the ************ want to rig a race they don't start with the exchanges....they go to the people that own the horse then the trainer then maybe a bookie...and of cause the jockey.....from all the rigged races in history i bet there was atleast one bookie involved do we ban them...i bet there would be an uproar if they did....sure it may leed to a bit more corruption...but where money is involved there will always be corruption thats just life.....exchanges are just a new form of betting thats all.....so enjoy them if you can...hehehehe

goldmember 5th September 2004 10:10 AM


Footballers betting on the other side to win and tennis players who are long odds-on,suddenly fake an injury through the game and pull out,then we find out the other player backed off the map to win , yeah sounds FAIR TO BET ON - NOT,THATS UTTERLY CRIMINAL

Mark 5th September 2004 10:24 AM

Mr Logic

Have a look at the Betfair forum, some bloke has done a study that found that some prices are up to 50% better han SP.

La Mer 5th September 2004 11:04 AM

On 2004-09-05 10:10, goldmember wrote:
THEY ARE EVIL!!!!!! Footballers betting on the other side to win and tennis players who are long odds-on ... yeah sounds FAIR TO BET ON - NOT,THATS UTTERLY CRIMINAL

Goldmember - Haven't you ever heard of Bruce Grobbelaar who as a football (soccer) goalkeeper for Liverpool?

He was accused by the British tabloid newspaper The Sun of match fixing during his time at Liverpool to benefit a betting syndicate.

What is the difference between betting one team (or tennis player) to lose or the other team (tennis player) to win?

You don't need betting exchanges to do make money out of a fix, it has been quite possible to do this for many years by betting with the bookies or with SportsTab, by betting one team (or player) to win a punter is in affect betting the other to lose.

Fixes of this nature go way back in time before betting exchanges, it is just that they have the facility to advise the authorities of the possibility of a fix going down. The bookies or the SportsTab don't and that's a big plus for the exchanges IMHO.

[ This Message was edited by: La Mer on 2004-09-05 15:06 ]

thoroughbred 5th September 2004 02:52 PM

While the use of betting exchanges is legal in Oz, then I'll use them ... I get better prices .... I can lay false favourites/fancies (like Wildly) ... if anyone one this forum believes that horse racing is "clean" then I'd recommend a subscription to Charles Dodson's publications.

allanby 5th September 2004 10:36 PM

You are joking aren't you??

You are getting ripped of far more by the TAB's and bookmaking industry you F%^Y^YT%T !

If you took the time out to actually learn how they work and the opportunities you wouldn' be posting such garbage.

To say that encouraging another avenue would be detrimental to all your hard work, mate, now with the exchanges you can improve your profits overall by some margin i would suggest, if you have survived this long, ( as you say for all this time and with all the rigging and questionable race results we have had over that time...There is no evidence to say it has increased corruption in any way, and the uk story of last week is only a story, Innocent until proven guilty!

You should take the time to learn how to use it and do youself a favour and stop being ripped off by these blood sucking entities.

Long live the exchanges, i cannot wait till Packer once and for all wipes the smiles off those ********bags who rule the wagering mediums currently on offer.


moeee 6th September 2004 09:44 AM

On 2004-09-05 22:36, allanby wrote:
You are joking aren't you??

You are getting ripped of far more by the TAB's and bookmaking industry you F%^Y^YT%T !

I think the last part is STICK.

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