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franga 22nd August 2001 09:31 AM

Can anyone tell me what the chances of winning the lottos are when you take quick pic computer generated selections as opposed to a set of personally selected numbers??

Mr. Logic 22nd August 2001 05:18 PM

I'll say exactly the same.
There are no such things as lucky numbers, or numbers due to come up.
Chances are not increased by having the same number of odd numbers and even numbers or by any of the other myriad of ways to try and beat the maths.
Good luck to anyone who tries to beat the maths.

franga 22nd August 2001 06:48 PM

I accept what you say Mr Logic but what are the chances of the computer picking the same set of numbers more than once hence shortening the odds of one person being a lone winner. Are quick pic numbers in fact computer generated sets of duplicate numbers?

matt 25th August 2001 10:04 AM

There are only 8 million or so combinations, so if there are more than that many quick-picks taken, some must be duplicated.
I imagine quickpicks are generated randomly or pseudo-randomly. Maybe there are certain combinations that quick-picks won't generate, such as 6 sequential neumbers. I can just imagine some people asking for their money back if given 1,2,3,4,5,6 for example.

Rather than go for quickpics, maybe you should try to guess unpopular combinations. Shouldn't be too hard.

franga 25th August 2001 04:34 PM

I suppose I should now pose the question,
System versus random plays??
Any thoughts.

I keep telling myself that the pick five lotto system should be the way to go but I'm just unsure with it.

beberrycareful 21st June 2004 06:15 PM

Almost 2 years on - anybody the wiser?

For the past few months I've included more high numbers ie. > 31

Strike rate has not changed much, but as you would expect, payouts have been higher. So I quess I'm travelling a little bit the better for that move.

moeee 21st June 2004 10:17 PM

So they pinch you 40% or more commission and you might say "yeah,but there's plenty big payout".

System to beat Lotto.

All the dollars you spend on Lotto go into a jar.You need a big jar.When you reach 60 years of age,smash jar and there's your jackpot.

rabbitz 22nd June 2004 10:00 AM

agreed Moeee
My mother has been playing lotto since it began in NSW
so at $4 to $5 a week for 25 years
is roughly $5-$6 G's
with the odd 3 and the supplementary
taken away say $100-$200 bucks
you're looking at a loss of over $5 and a half G's
which is a big jar,and a lot of broken glass

Squirter 22nd June 2004 02:12 PM

Published here ( NZ ) in our local rag about 3 years ago that the chances here are about 3 million to 1. Waist of good TAB money.

AssumeTheCrown 22nd June 2004 02:25 PM

Chances of winning 1st division is 8,145,060 to 1. Not my kind of odds when you take into account that it never pays more than $2million like it should. With a huge takeout it is not worth playing the game.

One bit of advice would be to buy your ticket as close to the draw as possible because that would reduce the chances of winning 1st division but not being alive to collect!

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