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Church22 19th April 2005 12:36 AM

Help with Tuesday Quaddies
I am looking at doing a quaddie for BR 5-8, SR 5-8 and MR 6-9... In each of these quaddies i am looking for a banker for one of the legs .. Would anyone like to offer any bankers for these races!!



Church22 19th April 2005 11:16 AM


Sportz 19th April 2005 11:26 AM

Hold on. I'll have a look for you.

Sportz 19th April 2005 12:12 PM

Okay, here's some thoughts. I've tried to cut them down for you but I think you might have to go wide in a couple of races. I have NO IDEA about Scone R7, while Sale R7 is very open as well. The ones in bold are the ones I'm keenest on.

R5: 2-1-3-6
R6: 6-2-7-8-3
R7: 1-3-6-13
R8: 1-3-7-2

R5: 4-2-5-1
R6: 2-7-1-3
R7: 1-6-4-2-10
R8: 1-5-4-8-7

R6: 4-5-2
R7: 5-4-6-1-10-7
R8: 5-2-4
R9: 2-9-6

As far as bankers go, perhaps Rock R6-6, Scone R6-2 & Sale R6-4.

Church22 19th April 2005 12:29 PM

U Champ!!
Thanks for that Sportz ... It's a huge help!!


Sportz 19th April 2005 12:45 PM

I hope they don't flop. :o

Good luck.

Sportz 19th April 2005 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by Sportz
As far as bankers go, perhaps Rock R6-6, Scone R6-2 & Sale R6-4.

Sorry. :(

Sportz 19th April 2005 02:50 PM

Rock R6-6

Sorry again.

Sportz 19th April 2005 03:03 PM

Scone R6-2

And again. This is why I don't really like to give any tips on here any more. Pathetic. :(

Church22 22nd April 2005 04:57 PM

No thanks for that sportz. I miss out on the SR race 6 .. ran second... quaddie payed huge...

Thanks again

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