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Old 14th December 2005, 03:10 PM
jonron jonron is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 30

Just had to inject my two BOBs worth here.Got a call from a Kiwi woman from that notorious area we all know about (don't want to breach forum terms of use so no names no pack drill) wanting to sell me what she called an "investment package".Absolutely no mention of horse racing at all.Sent me the Glossy with the yacht and bikini babe,the Merc in the driveway,etc.and an impressive list of results going back a few years.During the follow up call a week later I played dumb(which is not hard for me!)and told her I knew absolutely nothing about horse racing and gambling on same.She absolutely chuckled with delight and said most of their clients did not,and that was how they liked it!!Went straight into the sales pitch full steam ahead,imagine having that extra money for a nice new car,holiday overseas,blah blah,and every time I tried to mention gambling kept telling me IT WAS NOT GAMBLING,but an "investment package".They wanted $7500 for the software.I'm still laughing my gutts out.There must be a lot of suckers out there in this wide world,the glossy alone must cost a packet.In the end I had to get quite rude with her to stop her calling me to see if I was interested,even after telling her a dozen times that I wasn't.I did test her out by asking for a months free trial,but.....NO NO NO,we don't do that.
I had no intention of buying it anyway.
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