Thread: You're Jokin!
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Old 3rd March 2003, 11:42 PM
Posts: n/a

A blonde was on a flight from Sydney to Perth with an economy class ticket.After the plane took off,she got up and moved forward and took a seat in first class.When the stewardess came around checking the tickets,she told the blonde she only had an economy class ticket and would,which the blonde refused to do."I've got a ticket to Perth,I don't like it back there,and I'm not moving",she said.Quite perplexed,the stewardess wentinto the cockpit and told the copilot.The copilot went and spoke to her,and got the same stubborn reply."Ive got a ticket to Perth,I don't like it back there,and I'm not moving."He went back to the cockpit and angrily began to radio for the Police to be waiting at the airport.The Captain asked what was going on,and on being told the details,said"leave this to me,I'm married to a blonde,I speak blonde!".So he goes down the aisle,whispers briefly in the blondes ear,and she says"Oh,I'm sorry,I didn't realise,"and gets up and moves back to economy."How did you do that,"asked the amazed copilot and stewardess."It was easy,"said the Captain,"I told her that first class wasn't going to Perth."
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