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Old 4th March 2003, 12:11 AM
Posts: n/a

Cameron398,contrary your belief,I do not wish to indulge in a slanging match with you,therefore after this post I will not be on this thread again.If you have created a successful method,good luck to you,I wish you every success in the future.I was not being a "smart ********",just looking the facts.You stated yourself,on the road to, successful as my method is,etc.etc.I don't expect you to divulge your method,I don't think anyone else would either.Not on this forum anyway.If you are hell bent on forming a syndicate,then good luck to you,and with due respect I would hope that you inform any would be investors of the pitfalls of gambling,not just paint a rosy picture.I create systems too,some succesful,some not.Some hold up for a while,then crash.Yes I do monitor them,and I really don't understand what you meant by "tight monitoring."I just monitor them,no inflating of figures create massive profits.Again,I AM NOT saying that is what you are doing.Also,do you think that a year and a bit is a long enoughtesting period?I wish you all the best in whatever you choose to do with your method,but really have a clue as to where or how you could go about recruiting anyone to invest in it.Cheers,and good luck,angel
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