Thread: Dog Ratings
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Old 25th December 2005, 06:22 PM
sixgoalhero sixgoalhero is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 9

Maiden Qualy
Maiden Final
grade 5
grade 4
grade 3
grade 2
grade 1/FFA
Group Races

Youn can then fit Mixed grades inbetween ie a mixed 3/4 would be inbetween a grade 3 and grade 4. Special Events are hard to assess. Rate a FFA as a Grade 1 although it is probably slightly weaker. (They rarely have grade 1 and 2 races, but they do happen at Angle and Albion Park). Another problem is then lining up standard of each track. Certainly races at a metro track are stonger than the country but then the country tracks can be different. For example a grade 4 at Ballarat might be stronger than a FFA at say Wangaratta.
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