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Old 28th December 2005, 02:15 PM
Surround Surround is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 63


Don't know how these fellas format their results so they are readable.
The bottom line is that using the rules of 1000-1600 metre races it achieves a win loss of 3.9% and place loss of 8.4%.
There were 965 bets for 192 wins and 476 placings (includes the winner)
Based on $100 bets outlay = $96500 and return = $92700 i.e. loss $3800.
I then ran it with dist. range 1400-1600 metres and got a win profit of 12.1%
Placings showed a loss of 11.6%.
This range produced 508 bets for 103 wins and 234 placings.
$50800 out - $56960 in. profit $6160 (based on $100 bets)
Hope this helps.
Don't be afraid to ask for more if you need it.

If someone can tell me how to format my analysis better than I'm now doing it would be appreciated.
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