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Old 30th December 2005, 11:01 AM
Surround Surround is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 63
Default Open Class Longshot Data

Attached is some data I gathered this morning on Open Class winners that paid dividends beween $10.00 and $50.00 from Jan 1st 2005.
Above $50 is getting too rough for me to seriously worry about.
There has been a lot of discussion here lately on targeting roughies and I thought it about time I contributed something.
This is probably totally useless info for most, but someone may be able to use it.
For me, any winner over $10 is a bonus, therefore it's rough enough for me.
This data is based on Unitab win only figures.
I've yet to work out if I can use it or did I just waste an hour and half for zilch.
Hopefully someone can use it even if it deters them from wasting good $$'s.
I've tried for an hour to get this pasted in here so I've given up and putting it into an attachment.

Good Luck on the punt
Attached Files
File Type: xls Open Class Roughies.xls (17.5 KB, 486 views)
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