3rd January 2006, 10:29 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: victoria
Posts: 562
Thanks for the replys guys. I spent a lot of time today thinking about what the answer would be and I guesses that as the field size got bigger in most cases the pot would decrease. This then leads me to ask the question at what field size would return you the most $ in actual profit rather than pot. Obviously you may have a method that produces50% pot in fields of 4 but only 2 % in fields of 16, the 50% looks better on paper, however if thhere is only 5 bets for a year as opposed to say 300 for fields larger fields then the actual $ amount you win may be lower with the reduced turnover, so at the end of the day is it POT or actual $ that matter more, and in what size field does your actual $ return reach its peak. I hope you guys understand what I am trying to get at. ITs been a long day and I'm very tired.
p.s I cant believe some of the times that people post at, I've noticed a few from around the 3 am mark recently???