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Old 10th March 2003, 07:45 PM
Posts: n/a

Hi Jimmy.

Thanks for your posting.

You should be skeptical, it's wise on the internet.

However, let me assure you and any other readers that our sports betting packages are a serious attempt to make sustainable long term profits by using mathematical modelling, statistical analysis and artificial intelligence techniques.

The reason there is an opening statement about sports betting which is identical for each package is that the same approach is used on each of these sports, although there are slight differences because of the different experts we employ.

Our tennis especially is a bit different to the others because our tennis expert is not an academic, he is a professional tennis bettor. He still uses a computer model to produce ratings and "fair odds" though.

To assuage your skepticism I suggest you follow the links to the home pages at the various universities of our experts and also type their names into seach engines to ascertain their credentials. Professor Stephen Clarke, Professor Ray Stefani and Alan McCabe will turn up hundreds of pages of material as they are all internationally recognised for their work on sports betting and are well published.

Also, a common denominator of all dodgy betting services is the lack of information about the people running it. You can read about the directors of OZmium Pty Ltd at

Furthermore, I'm happy to be phoned between midday and midnight Melbourne time on 03 9866 3654 to field any hard questions you want to fire at me. You can also speak with some of our current members about the quality of the information and the service we provide. (Thanks to the previous respondent for the kind words about the tennis by the way.)

It's not a get rich quick scheme but it is a serious attempt to get an edge over the bookies using mainly experts who have proved their mettle, often publicly in high profile media tipping competitions and in numerous published papers. OZmium pays these experts good money for their information, we are not using monkeys throwing darts.

Hope this is useful.


Guy West.

Managing Director OZmium Pty Ltd.

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