Thread: Terminology
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Old 8th January 2006, 12:30 PM
La Mer La Mer is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 578

Originally Posted by KennyVictor
While we're on the subject is a ROI of 120% a return of $120 on $100 invested or $220. I'm sure I've been picked up on this before but can't remember which way it should be. KV

IMO, POT is the simpler to understand as it Profit On Turnover, e.g. Turnover = $1,000 with profit = $100 gives a POT of 10%.

OTOH, ROI can be defined in different ways, normally either as a return on investments or as a return on assets, therefore leading to different outcomes.

In racing terms it would mean the difference between investments (turnover) or bank (assets).
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