Thread: New comer
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Old 1st February 2006, 12:53 PM
darkydog2002 darkydog2002 is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 4,332

If I was new to Australia I would start with Major Metropolitan meetings on Saturday.
I say that because to get any decent form papers such as the "WIZARD / SPORTSMAN its confined for some unknown reason to Saturdays .
One needs to get a handle on the wealth of information contained in these 2 fine form papers to really make a go of racing here in the sense of properly handicapping a race .
Also there are many very good FREE proffessionally asessed races if you know where to look
i.e. ( under "REWARDS ) ,
winnerinsix etc
After Metropolitan comes major provincial centre,s such as Bendigo, Wyong , Ballarat etc
Then Country meetings such as Wellington , Narromine etc

Hope this is of some assistance to you.
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