21st March 2003, 09:59 AM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Newcastle, NSW
Posts: 1,492
The merits of systematic place-betting was highlighted on Wed 19.3.03. I had four bets utilising my Brian Mayfield-Smith method:
MR4 Lord Of Lords 2nd $1.10pl
MR4 Pink Fit unp
MR6 Uffizi 2nd $5.00pl
MR6 Sweetness 'N Light unp
Betting win only we would have had a wipe-out but investing in the ratio of 1w5pl we were able to achieve a 27.08% POT which was pretty satisfying. This practical example shows that this method allows you to survive a pretty tough day and have funds to reinvest later in the week when luck may be on our side.