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Old 25th March 2003, 04:15 PM
Mr J Mr J is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 759

'Fortune' is relative. When I say 'fortune', it represents the money I have made of gambling.

My large BR will is extremely unlikely to bust. The ROR is just so small. I know we have to start small, but in order to make it big, you have to risk a large % in relation to a larger BR (obviously).

It is better not having to rely on gambling if you do have a small BR, esp if you have greater expenses, depedents etc. I just turned 20 . I can afford to risk more with a small BR, and be more conservative with a larger one. I guess you could say lady luck shined on me, because nothing went too bad, allowing my BR to grow quite nicely.

Yes I do live off gambling. It's not as if I need to make alot to survive on, I've saved 2 years expenses and have paid for my car in full. Most of what I make goes back into my BR.

I do remember what it's like to have a small BR, and no-one wants to be back there. That is why people lower the ROR as their bank increases.

As far as you mentioning BJ, my bad. I was skimming over your post and misinterpreted.
I took it as if you were saying BJ is a low form of advantage play, and felt insulted.

As far as wishing me luck, mathematically I won't need it. However, choppy results are always nicer than streaky results. Good luck to you too.
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