Thread: Stix 2006 Tips
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Old 10th February 2006, 08:02 PM
Stix Stix is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,012

Is it me..... or is it a grave yard.... this forum - i talking about !!! ???

Lets have a quick scan....
  • Sportz is not willing to post this thoughts,
  • Mav was only a weekend poster, this week has been around a little bit
  • Imagele, posting after the fact (no offence indended)
  • L2B, Starcraft, Tarbs, XPT.... M.I.A
  • KV, Crash, Chrome (also M.I.A. by the way) only post on one thread ("Systems")
(if your named there is no maliace or offence intended.... merely an observation)

Either no-one is really interested or I post tooooo much and it is irratating (pretty sure that's nott spelt right ) others..... I feel it maybe the later.....

Seriously what is happening here.... look I've only been a member for possibly 6mths and the amount of people that come and go is quiet interesting.....

I would of thought people that post have a passionate interest in racing..... maybe I'm wrong.... which highly is likely...

I think i've met (metaphorically speaking - not sure that is spelt right either )LOL) some fantastic people and some switched on punters/investors..... None better that Barney.... he has shared some info that has helped me no end (not pi**ing in his pocket)... I mean it - HE DIDN'T have to share what he did -BUT HE DID - and I am extremely grateful - I have made a (modest) "packet" from his knowledge. And will gladly shout him anytime he's in Melbourne!............

The point is that I (personally) am a little disappointed with what this forum is become.... granted people will come and go, but the fact remains the core members.... for many varied reasons.... do not post.......... always see them logged on and viewing the posts........ but..... why not just view as a guest... geez I'm getting cynical !! (at my age - 32 !!!!...... who would of thought... ah happens...)

Bottom line is I'd like to see a bit more activity......... but hey who am I to cast dispursions (geez I can not spell for quids ) on members...... (just re-iterating - no offence intended)

Anyway enough of my spiel...

Hope you all back a winner tomorrow - I like Domesday (Eachway of course)....

Be Good and...

Good Luck People....
.......Giddy Up..... !!
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