Thread: Sectional Times
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Old 12th February 2006, 07:45 PM
PunterPete PunterPete is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: NSW
Posts: 53
Default Sectionals

Thanks Marcus25 - When are they going to replace those silly human operators with computers.

I also have track models for all tracks under good conditions for open or = class. For example Rosehill is:
m ParTime
800 45.2
850 48.3
900 51.4
950 54.5
1000 57.6
1050 60.75
1100 63.9
1150 67
1200 70.1
1250 73.2
1300 76.6
1350 79.9
1400 83.2
1450 86.4
1500 89.6
1550 92.8
1600 96.2
1650 99.6
1700 102.95
1750 106.3
1800 109.65
1850 112.95
1900 116.25
1950 119.65
2000 123
2050 126.35
2100 129.65
2150 132.95
2200 136.25
2250 139.55
2300 142.85
2350 146.15
2400 149.45
2450 152.75
2500 156.05
2550 159.35
2600 162.65
2650 165.95
2700 169.25
2750 172.55
2800 175.85
2850 179.15
2900 182.45
2950 185.75
3000 189.05
3050 192.35
3100 195.65
3150 198.95
3200 202.25

I notice my Par for 1400 is a bit quicker than your's but it all relative.

I do similar benchmarking and thats why I posted but to date have been relucant to change data. I find myself adjusting daily variance factors but I will keep your thoughts in mind next time I come across something funny.
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