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Old 17th February 2006, 01:20 PM
Stix Stix is offline
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Originally Posted by Tubby
I too love exactas Stix and have been "lured" in by some similar results to the examples you have given. However I also find (and this is purely anecdotal) that there is just as many (if not more) races where the exacta is a bit disappointing. I sometimes wonder if I would be better just putting the equivalent money into a boxed quinella (i.e. a greater number of units).
I must admit I'm more often suprised by the divy than disappointed... and helped by the fact that UNITAB still out performs the others....

Boxed Quinellas would certainly improve my strike rate which is currently 12.6% to about 28%, but would sacrifice divy return I reckon....... However the av. Div of $69.9 makes up for that and 205% POT soothes any residual worries
.......Giddy Up..... !!
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