4th April 2003, 10:24 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Canberra
Posts: 730
I have nothing against IAS - I use their Diviplus option most Saturdays with some of my selections. The problem with their field bet is that they only publicise it on a few races so your betting options are very limited - with Betfair you could potentially do this on every race they cover which means you can pick and choose to get the best races. Also I suspect, although I haven't checked, that you will generally do much better odds-wise laying the horse on Betfair than taking the field option with IAS.
Betfair seems to have got their act together with the site reliability over the last week - doing better than Tabcorp today which still hasn't got any races listed for today at 11:20!
"Computers can do that????" - Homer Simpson