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Old 6th April 2003, 11:38 AM
xanadu xanadu is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Newcastle, NSW
Posts: 1,492


I was perusing your previous posts and one comment "rang alarm bells" for me. You stated that you rely on the newspaper prepost markets as one of your selection filters. In one word, "DON'T."
The reason is that to the best of my knowledge,these markets are prepared by a journalist, on the orders of his/her sub-editor, to provide a market in the vicinity of 135-145%, and let's face it, some of these "journalists," wouldn't know which end of a horse to feed!
Therefore, I suggest that you avail yourself of some expertise provided by some contributors to this forum.
Contributors like Form-Pro and TESTAROSSA have provided some very accurate ratings/pricelines and I am sure that if you based your ideas around these and some other contributors(sorry, I haven't got space to name them all), your results would improve immediately.
I hope this may have been of some assistance.

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