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Old 27th February 2006, 05:36 PM
xptdriver xptdriver is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Port Macquarie
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Originally Posted by Mark
Why anyone still uses the TAB's (for win or place betting) is beyond me.

Gday Mark...

I have four TAB accounts... But there is really only one that gets a run and that is the Norfolk island mob... I dont bet huge amounts so the pool size is really not an issue for me

There are a couple reasons

1. The rounding that the mainland Tabs get away with is absolutely disgusting and morally reprehensible. Not only do they skim on average about 17% from the win totes they also round down to the nearest point. So if you have a dividend that should be 1.99, you dont get 2 bucks You get 1.90.. ON NI they round down but only to the .05. so the same winner get you a 1.95 all adds up over the year,,,AS far as I know these hiwaymen are the only mob in the country allowed to get away with that.. It should be outlawed immediately. Disgusting

To my way of thinking the books are not much better with these heroes putting up opening markets of 160% at times.. What heroes.. A lot of the time they are betting worse percentages than the ML TABS.. or if they are really unimaginative and ave no real clue as to form they bet tote prices, not a lot of value there.. this business in SA hasn't helped their cause, fancy welching... how Australian is that..... The practice of flicking winning punters is something that really should challenged in the courts or laws changed to make it illegal for these vermin to get away with it.... gutless is what most of em are

2. As in the point above, the 117% plus rounding is hiway burglary. I only ever bet into those pools if the dividend is at least 50% better than the Norfolk Island Mob. I am here to tell you it does not happen that often. The NI MOb operate markets of about 100 - 101%.. But there is a take out of a maximum of 5% of the declared divvie. Even if your personal "takeout" is 5% you are in reality at least 11% ahead over the long term... You can get your "takeout" down to 2.5% depending on your turnover.

The only other time I use the Mainland TABS is a normal Monday, the NI mob have a day off on Monday as a rule..

AFAIK Betfair are still playing fair and not betting on Victorian Racing... when they stopped offering markets on VIC Racing I stopped offering my cash to the layers of Betfair... I havent been back to have a look since

AS ya can tell I have had a losing day today
Good luck and good punting
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