Thread: tvn austar
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Old 5th March 2006, 07:15 PM
moony moony is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 48

here is a promising article i just come across:

Racing broadcast wars over soon

Long suffering country and regional racing fans will soon be able to watch TVN on the Austar platform, well at least thats the 'late mail' coming from the last round of talks between the warring parties- TVN and Sky.

The broadcast split, which has dragged on since May last year, revolved around who could broadcast racing, from where and to whom. Sydney and Victorian racing has been unavailable to Austar subscribers due to an exclusive deal it had previously signed with Sky channel. And with Sky appearing to go out of its way to ensure its new rival, the industry set up and owned TVN failed, there was no end in sight for Austar and regional viewers.

But with Sky's master Tabcorp forecasting a further drop in earnings (EPS) from 5% down to 2-4%, and with the TVN aligned clubs squealing in the background over costs and the drop in revenue, a compromise was needed.

The main points are...

Sky wants to broadcast to the Pubs and Clubs combining the TVN signal with its own.

TVN would then be available to Austar home viewers. Split signal to continue for homes. TVN continue its sole focus on thoroughbreds and 'new media' opportunities. eg mobile phone, etc. It seems like a win, win deal. Sydney metrop and Victorian racing gets dedicated home viewing, the hardcore fans. And Pubs and Clubs (with further rationalising of races) get back the wall to wall coverage on which they thrived previously. Throw in Skys new found dedication to country racing and the expected increase in turnover that should come with the one signal into gambling houses and maybe the future isnt that grim after all.

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