20th March 2006, 08:21 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 359
Originally Posted by Ron50
Remove the Subsription fee and it does not look so good.How come we do not hear about the loosing days?????????????
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Doesn't it depend how much you bet, Ron? The subscription fee is a fixed cost, and the amount of your betting turnover is up to you. If your turnover is only $100 over six months then $42 profit is insufficient to recoup your subscription. On the other hand if your turnover is $100,000 the subscription fee would only put a slight dent in your profits.
In relation to your second point - why would anyone provider of racing information want to advertise its losing days? Most reputable providers of racing information are happy to give you a list of the bets provided to members over the last year, or some other verification of profits. If they don't then don't subscribe. That's what it comes down to: if you can't satisfy yourself of the honesty and profitability of a service provider then don't subscribe.