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Old 22nd March 2006, 07:55 AM
Stix Stix is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,012

Originally Posted by wesmip1
Tommorrow is the 1 month anniversary of running this system live on the board. I am in 2 minds on whether or not to continue following it on the board.

Anyone interested in the selections ?

If I post the selection criteria people will probably laugh how simple it is. So if anyone wants it then just IM me at psmiffy79 or email me at
as chances are I won't continue to follow it here.

I say continue, we need members that are willing to post, not to mention those that appear (?) to have a sound selection base. I'm sure there are a number of members (and guests) that have used you tips and won. I for one have backed you tips a few times (on days where I have had little time to look for my self ) and with some good results.

Keep tipping them, so along with L2B, a4Brian, Jim, Chuck, Will, Mav, Raw, XPT, Crash, Michaelg..... etc etc (Man, sounds like an Oscar's acceptance speech )......even stix (), and all the other regular (tip) posters, some of us can satisfy our itch on a "daily" basis...

There is my two Bob's worth..... Good luck Son !
.......Giddy Up..... !!
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