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Old 25th March 2006, 06:05 PM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104

Brownie, no offense meant, but what you have described is not what is happening with this system at all ['looking for a window' means exactly what in betting terms?].

This is progressive staking on every race until a winning fav. is struck. See back in this thread where a whole card was followed without a Fav. getting up.

The best idea would be to go back and see if the system is winning flat stakes. That can only be worked out if an average Fav. price is known for a meeting. Then the maths tell you if it's a long term winner or a loser. Simple. I do not have the data-bank to do that. I'm sure someone here has. If not we are p...... into the wind.

My guess is the higher the meeting Fav. SR, the lower the Fav. average price....... 'TILT', Back to square one long term. My guess might be wrong, but a few weeks results [until the author gets bored], tells us nothing about the system's real profit or loss potential long term. Like I said, at high Fav. strikes rates, chance can make things look better than they will eventually turn out to be for some time, but not long term.

Critically, what is not being included in the track Fav. SR % data is the average winning Fav. SP. That is the crux of the matter.
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