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Old 15th April 2003, 03:45 PM
thekey thekey is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 105

On those prices listed above I would suggest that Gordo is the best value IMO although Lonhro would be my top pick.

Does any else have any thoughts on how these prepost markets can be distorted by the agencies standing to lose heaps given a certain result in doubles or straight out bets. A case in point is Niello from last week. He was as short as 4.00 on sportsbet during the week but got out to about 8.00 on Sat. I wonder if Lonhro will be available @ a better price when the betting is opened on Sat. To counter this is the fact that he is probably a true favourite whereas Niello clearly wasn't and was based solely on hype. Given, there is a certain amount of hype about Lonhro, but the same could be said for a number of horses in this race. Last year Sunline was around 3.80 in the betting before firming to start 2.90 Might we see 3.50 or 4.00 about Lonhro as I believe this is probably close to his true price.
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