1st April 2006, 10:37 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: newcastle nsw
Posts: 436
Thank heavens,finally some commonsense comments with regard to "value",,,
I do think that,at times,with astute punting it's possible to get $3-50 fixed odds against a horse that eventually starts at $1-70.That's pretty good value.By the same token its damned easy to get it wrong too.
There are odds that I wont accept and I'm prepared to sit back and watch a race rather than cop a "theirs for yours" proposition.
Like everyone here I know how to price against rating,but if it means that I price a horse at $6 and can only get $4 its crazy to refuse the $4 after doing the hard yards rating the race in the first place.
Good punting,,, Bill..