Thread: Finding Value
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Old 3rd April 2006, 07:03 AM
manygeese manygeese is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Victoria
Posts: 105

Originally Posted by BJ
It is not about having a greater chance of winning, it is purely about the money involved in betting a selection and the money returned to your pocket.

There is nothing anywhere that says if you choose a certain method, you must bet every race.

Take 2 roulette tables. A) pays 2 to 1 on even money, and B) pays evens..

Do you need to bet every spin on table A) to improve your chances of winning?
Or are you just at an advantage no matter when you choose to bet?

I would not feel obligated at all to bet every spin, but I can guarantee that I would be trying to. If you have an advantage, the more you turnover, the more you make. The bigger the advantage the higher the profits, the less the risk.

Imagine you rate the field.
Horse A) is rated as a $4 horse.
Horse B) is rated as a $5 horse.
A) on the books is $2.
B) on the books is $100.

Anybody that bets on horse A is mad.

Rubbish. If horse A wins sane people have backed horse A and throw their money away punters have backed horse B.
pipped at the post
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