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Old 3rd April 2006, 04:21 PM
La Mer La Mer is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 578

Originally Posted by xptdriver
Hang on, yeah I know that... (re winnings) i am saying he is square, minus commission... on the lay bet. Now you are saying net commission is per race or per bet? I assume you mean per race.. If that is the case yep you are right.. I have had the odd trade there too over time.. gave it away when they flicked vic racing....

XPT, you can have as many bets in the one race as you like - commission is based only on net profit - if for instance I win $200 on the 'back' side of the ledger but lose $150 on the 'lay' side of the ledger then commission is only paid of the $50 net winnings. Not sure how you can claim there is a liability for commission when it's a break even situation, there is simply no liability in such circumstances.

It would be the same if I Dutch booked, which I do with some success - the amount won on the winning bet would be offset by the amount lost on the losing bets re the commission paid.
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