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Old 7th May 2006, 06:15 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
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Afew years ago at a Brisbane meeting very heavy going, I was subscribing to a well known mag at the time and following their tips, they tipped Inspire ($20 on the nose) and another longshot (can't remember the name for EW) at the same time I weas following a system of mine (horses that had won their last 3 races backing them for the place next run).

Suddenly it crossed my mind that I had 3 bets in the same race, and I really should take the box tri, I don't know why but I changed my mind and didn't do it.
The result, Inspire won 66-1, the EW shot 2nd (massive odds?) and my place bet third at about 16-1 or so. It was a GOOD collect ..... BUT the trifecta paid almost $80,000, groan...........
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