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Old 1st February 2002, 02:05 PM
Reenster Reenster is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 83

We're arguing different points. I know punters who take top flucs are fully aware they are giving away 5% of their winnings and that this might be better than being at the track where if they miss the best price and a horse firms in the market that that price is gone. I'm not arguing that.

My point is twofold. Firstly, for a bookmaker to charge a commission on winning bets is a crime. There are plenty of bookies (No 1 Betting Shop for eg) who offer top flucs and don't charge. Remember, top flucs benefits bookies more than it benefits punters. THAT'S WHY THEY OFFER IT.

Secondly as I've said previously, this website promotes itself as an industry watchdog. Why is there nothing said against DAS charging punters on winning bets? Read these words again. THEY ARE CHARGING ON WINNING BETS.

You said yourself in a previous post that punters shouldn't be paying 5 to 10% of winnings as a commission for receiving top flucs.

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