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Old 9th May 2006, 01:42 PM
classiconi classiconi is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 79

Don't worry, newspapers aren't going anywhere fast, not the big daily's anyhow. Smaller carriers such as independent form publishers and the like they operate on low budgets and moving online probably represents a good economic decision for them. The big papers eg Tele, Aussie and Herald, they have such a large distribution, revenue from commmercials and accessible to all parts and demographics of the nation that I can confidently say they will still be around for at least 20 years. My old man works for News Limited and their revenue outstrip their expenses by a phenomenal amount on a daily basis. News Limited (or Fairfax for that matter) would not have spent tens of millions to develop their incredible printing premises at Chullora if they were to be rendered obselete within a matter of years.
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