27th May 2006, 01:22 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 25
Hi guys,
Geez, what a day , surely gonna be very difficult to come away with
Anything in the black.
r3, My mail is Tantra will improve greatly, But lets face it..... doesnt have To do All that much does it ! Still if the odds blow i will get on board.
Sven, Twostonelighter, well bred looking for this distance not out of this one.
(SR king nice)
r4 Well i like Mr Splinters, and if your a fan, Pentathon comes into this very
Nicely indeed, All he has to do is settle & cope with the way of going and
Will be in the finish. Coelesce to run an improved race.
r7 Star shiraz to run a big race back home.
r8 I thought Single Rose was the best of the day.
Good Luck Everyone